For legal entities:
For registration in Tulpar System, legal entities submit a written application to SW on paper or in electronic form, signed by the head of the legal entity (or an authorized person entitled to act on behalf of the legal entity) with documents attached.
For individuals:
For registration in the Tulpar System, individuals in electronic format are carried out through the Internet information and communication network, on the website of the SWIS in the field of foreign trade “Tulpar System” (link:
On the main page of the website of the State Portal of Electronic Services, you need to follow the link “Login through public services” and select one of the authorization methods:
– using an ID card (eID);
– using a cloud electronic signature (cloud ES).
After successful authorization on the State Electronic Services Portal, the user will automatically be returned to the website of the Single Window Information System and an account will be created for him.
What documents are required for registration in the Single Window Information System in the field of foreign trade
For legal entities:
– Written collapse in SW;
– A copy of the decision / order on the appointment of the head of the legal entity;
– Copying the passports of the head of the legal entity;
– Power of attorney for registration of a legal entity (when registering through a representative of a legal entity);
– Application registration form (download Form 1);
– Agreement on the use of personal data of the head and employees of a legal entity (download Form 2);
– List of employees of the legal entity subject to registration with the SWIS (full name, TIN, contact details: phone numbers, e-mail).
For individuals:
– A copy of the certificate of state registration of an individual engaged in entrepreneurial activities;
– Registration form of application of individuals (download Form 3)
What do you need to work in Tulpar System?
1. To work effectively in the system, you need to make sure that your computer meets the minimum technical requirements:
− Computer with Windows7 OS;
− Internet with IE 9 browser;
− VipNet application;
− Scanner.
2. You also need to purchase an electronic digital signature (EDS). Information on the EDS can be obtained at Manas Ave.
Tel/fax: 0(312) 312-926;
There are 4 main ways to submit an electronic application through TULPAR-SYSTEM:
1. independently – for this you need to register in TULPAR-SYSTEM (see below “How to register in TULPAR-SYSTEM?”). After registration, you will be able to submit applications on your own without leaving your office, home, etc.
2. through the Service Center operator – for this you need to bring documents to the Single Window Service Center in the field of foreign trade, and the Service Center operator will submit an application for you to one or several departments at the same time.
3. through a broker – contact a customs broker.
4. through the operator of the department – for this you need to bring documents and submit an application directly to the department.
Attention! The method of submitting an application for obtaining documents required for further customs clearance is a voluntary choice of the applicant!
List of state bodies and other organizations issuing permits and other documents necessary for the implementation of foreign economic activity:
Name of state bodies and other organizations | Name of the issued document |
Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic | – License for the export of specific goods; – License to import specific goods. |
State Inspectorate for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Safety under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic | – Veterinary certificate form No. 1; – Veterinary certificate form No. 2; – Veterinary certificate form No. 3; – Veterinary certificate form A; – Veterinary certificate form B; – Veterinary certificate form C; – Veterinary certificate form D; – Veterinary certificate form E; – Veterinary certificate form F; – Phytosanitary certificate; – Import quarantine permit; – Act of quarantine inspection and examination; – Permission for crediting. |
State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic | – Permission to import, export objects of flora and fauna to (outside) the Kyrgyz Republic, including fish and other aquatic organisms, including for their acclimatization, reproduction and introduction into the water bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic that are not subject to CITES; – Permit for import, export of objects of flora and fauna to (outside) the Kyrgyz Republic, including fish and other aquatic organisms, including for their acclimatization, reproduction and introduction into the water bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic falling under the CITES; – Permission to import (import) used car tires as waste. |
State Communications Agency under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic | – Permission to import into the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic of radio-electronic means (RES) and high-frequency devices (HFD), other technical means that give radio-frequency radiation or are a source of high-frequency waves. – Certificate of conformity. Required – Certificate of conformity. Confession |
Department of Pharmaceutical Supply and Medical Equipment under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic | – A certificate confirming that the product belongs to medicines or medical products. |
Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic | – Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with sanitary rules. |
State Agency for Automobile and Water Transport under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic | – Permit for the passage of a motor vehicle in international road traffic; – License for cargo transportation by road for legal entities; – License for cargo transportation by road for individuals |
Republican Certification Center in Construction under the State Agency for Architecture, Construction, Housing and Communal Services under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic | – Certificate of conformity (mandatory); – Certificate of conformity (voluntary); – Certificate of conformity (recognition). |
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic | – Certificate of origin of goods of the form “ST-1”; – Certificate of origin of goods of the form “FEZ”; – Certificate of origin of goods of the form “Original”; – Certificate of origin of goods form “A”; – Certificate of origin of goods of the form “Original” in English; – Certificate of origin of goods form “A” in English. |
Bishkek Center for Testing, Certification and Metrology under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic | – Certificate of conformity (mandatory); – Certificate of conformity (voluntary); – Certificate of conformity (recognition). |
Private Bodies Limited Liability Company “Certificate Perspektiva” Limited Liability Company “Standartsertik” Limited Liability Company “CertificateExpress” Limited Liability Company “Sapat-test” | – Certificate of conformity (mandatory); – Certificate of conformity (voluntary); – Certificate of conformity (recognition). |
All the necessary information can be obtained at the SW Service Center in the field of foreign trade. You can also visit the TULPAR-SYSTEM website ( and enter the name of the product you are interested in in the search bar, the system will issue the code of the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity (TNVED) and information on the required permits and other documents, on the procedure and terms their receipt for the implementation of foreign trade activities.
For more information, you can contact Service center “single window” in the field of foreign trade
Address: Bishkek, Zhibek-Zholu street 381 (2nd floor, 43-44 window). Tel.: +996 (312) 38 02 43 Mail: Website: Working days: Monday – Friday from 09:00 to 18:00. Lunch: 12:00 – 13:00. Days off: Saturday – Sunday. | ![]() |
Any individual or legal entity may apply to the Foreign Trade Single Window Service Center for information and / or advice regarding the export / import of a particular type of product. SWC publicly publishes regulatory requirements in the field of exports and imports for all types of goods.
1. A foreign trade participant can independently submit an application to TULPAR-SYSTEM via the Internet – without leaving the office / home!
2. A FEA participant can submit an application to the Single Window Information System – TULPAR-SYSTEM through the operator of the Service Center in the field of foreign trade, the involved body / organization or a customs broker.
3.Operator of the Service Center involved body/organization or customs broker – registers the client and fills out an electronic application in TULPAR-SYSTEM.
4. The experts of the involved bodies/organizations process the received data and issue or refuse to issue documents (licenses, certificates, acts, certificates, etc.) necessary for further customs clearance. After that, a customs clearance folder (CCF) is automatically created in TULPAR-SYSTEM, which is assigned a unique 10-digit number.
5. TULPAR-SYSTEM notifies the FEA participant via SMS or e-mail about the readiness of permits and other documents required for further customs clearance (with the CCF number).
6. The client provides the CCF number to the customs clearance specialist for the formation of a prototype cargo customs declaration (CCD) in the Unified Automated Information System of the State Customs Service (UAIS SCS).
7. CCD is generated in electronic form and stored in the UAIS until the physical arrival of the goods.
Attention! Customs and other authorities / organizations involved in the one-stop-shop principle do not request duplicate paper copies or original documents from the client if the documents are from SWC.
Electronic Customs Clearance File (CCF) required for electronic data and document exchange (for further customs clearance) between the information systems of SW (TULPAR-SYSTEM) and the State Customs Service (SCS); as well as between traders and involved authorities / organizations. CCF contains an application, permits and other documents necessary for the formation of a prototype cargo customs declaration (CCD)
Decisions to issue or refuse to issue a permit, license, certificate, act, certificate and other documents are made exclusively by those bodies and organizations that are responsible for this type of control in accordance with the national legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Yes, since the State Customs Service (SCS) under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic is one of the main participants in the Single Window project. The transfer of data and documents is carried out within the framework of an agreement and a joint order of SWC and the State Customs Service under the GKR. The main thing is that when a participant in foreign economic activity submits a customs declaration, the information system of the State Customs Service already contains complete information about the received PD of a participant in foreign economic activity.
From 5 to 20 minutes.
The examination process is determined in accordance with the internal legal acts of each state body or other organization involved in the “Single Window” principle.
No, since each participant in foreign economic activity has separate details and has different information data.
The Service Center provides a full list of services for electronic clearance and filing applications for documents required for foreign economic activity (for further customs clearance):
• Acceptance of documents and filing (registration) of the application.
• Electronic data processing and paperwork in TULPAR-SYSTEM.
• Transfer of electronic documents required for issuing a prototype cargo customs declaration (CCD) to the State Customs Service by creating an electronic Customs Clearance Folder.
• Familiarization with the rules of work in TULPAR-SYSTEM (field visits).
• Other consulting services:
– which body/organization involved issues this or that permissive document,
– tariff plan, contacts and opening hours of involved bodies/organizations,
– information on non-tariff regulatory measures (NTMR),
– etc.
You have the opportunity to receive a full range of services for the preparation of electronic documents for foreign trade operations (from filing an application to the formation of a customs declaration!)
Thanks to TULPAR-SYSTEM, you can complete and submit electronic applications to several involved bodies / organizations at the same time.
On our site you can pay in the following ways:
Online payment:
Payment cards – Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Elcart
Payment terminals – Quickpay, Umai, Oney.
Electronic wallets – Elsom, Balance, O!Money.
Mobile banking – Mbank.
1. When placing an order, select the Payment Method “Online Payment” and click “Apply”
2. Choose a convenient online payment method (Bank card, Mobile / electronic wallet and payment terminals).
3. You will be automatically redirected to the payment page of the Freedom Pay payment service.
Enter the details of your bank card, mobile / electronic wallet and confirm the payment.
Currently, payment for services is made at the Foreign Trade Single Window Service Center (see What services does the Single Window Service Center provide in the field of foreign trade?).
In the future, it is planned to accept payment for the services provided by all involved bodies/organizations according to their established tariffs.
Price list* Single Window Center in the Field of Foreign Trade” under the Ministry of Economy and commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic:
The cost of services provided by the enterprise through the operator of the “Single Window Center”.
№ | Services list | Amount, som |
1 | Acceptance of an application for obtaining one document for foreign trade operations | 90 |
2 | Acceptance of an application for obtaining two documents for foreign trade operations | 140 |
3 | Acceptance of an application for obtaining three or more documents for foreign trade operations | 190 |
*- the cost of services is indicated including taxes
An electronic digital signature (EDS) is a full-fledged replacement (analogue) of a handwritten signature in cases provided for by law. EDS is a requisite of an electronic document designed to protect an electronic document from forgery, as well as to identify the person who signed the electronic document.
Using an electronic signature allows you to:
• Integrity control of the transferred document: in case of any accidental or intentional change of the document, the signature will become invalid.
• Protection against changes (forgery) of the document: the guarantee of detection of a forgery during integrity control makes forgery impractical in most cases.
• The impossibility of repudiation of authorship. A valid signature can be created based on a private key that is known only to the owner. The owner cannot retract his signature on the document.
• Document Proof of Authorship – Non-repudiation ensures that the owner of the key pair can prove that he or she signed the document. Depending on the details of the document definition, fields such as “author”, “changes made”, “timestamp”, etc. can be labeled.
– By FEA participants (both individuals and legal entities) to form an electronic application in the SWIS.
– Operators, experts and directors of the state. bodies and other organizations involved in the principle of “Single Window” for the generation of permits and other documents in the SWIS, necessary for the implementation of foreign economic activity;
– Customs clearance specialists to sign a package of electronic documents.
“Single Window” (SW) in the field of foreign trade – a mechanism that allows traders to submit standardized documents through a single throughput channel in order to fulfill the requirements related to foreign trade.
The goals are to simplify trade procedures and optimize administrative barriers in the preparation of documents necessary for customs clearance by creating a mechanism for the exchange of information between interested parties.
Tool – Single Window Information System – TULPAR-SYSTEM.
The SW operator is the State Enterprise “Single Window Center in the Field of Foreign Trade” under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
“Tulpar System” is the name of the Single Window Information System.
The main goals of the SW are the optimization of administrative procedures and the reduction of administrative barriers in obtaining documents necessary for the implementation of foreign economic activity.
The implementation of the SW will allow:
• improve the quality of services offered to exporters and importers;
• to simplify the procedure and method for submitting applications for obtaining permits for foreign economic activity participants;
• reduce the number of documents that the applicant must submit to the involved authorities/organizations in order to obtain a PD for further customs clearance of goods;
• reduce time when filling out duplicate (i.e. the same) documents (especially when submitting documents to several involved bodies/organizations at the same time);
• ensure effective interaction between state bodies and participants in foreign economic activity – ensure the predictability and legality of all regulatory requirements of the involved bodies/organizations;
• ensure the transparency of the process of consideration of the application and issuance of PD;
• ensure free access to information on foreign economic activity.
Reduction of time and costs in the preparation of documents necessary for the implementation of foreign economic activity.
1. Submission of an application to several departments at the same time;
2. Submission of an application remotely without leaving the office / home, via the Internet;
3. Collection, storage, registration and transfer of documents in electronic and paper format;
4. Formation of a power of attorney by a foreign trade participant in the case of a representative (for example, for brokers);
5. Ease of integration and connection with other bodies;
6. Creation of VET for the information system of the State. customs service under the RCC.
The main benefits of the state:
• optimization of export-import procedures and increase in foreign trade volumes;
• reliable and up-to-date information about the volume, structure and geography of foreign trade, participants in foreign economic activity, the quality and quantity of goods transported and the ability to quickly obtain statistical data;
• transparency and improvement of the quality of public services in the field of foreign trade;
• simple and clear procedures will reduce corruption at the level of executive bodies and reduce the share of shadow trade;
• more active involvement of business in foreign economic activity, especially small and medium-sized enterprises;
• creating a favorable environment for business and attracting investments, increasing the attractiveness of the Kyrgyz Republic through the reduction of administrative barriers.
The Single Window project is being implemented by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic in close cooperation with the State Customs Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. Technical assistance to the project is provided by the program of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) “Promotion of regional economic cooperation in Central Asia”. Project financing is provided by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Access to the system itself is unlimited. After registering with the SWIS, a FEA participant can independently access through the website (, through customs brokers and operators of the Single Window Service Center in the field of foreign trade (see How can I submit an electronic application?). TULPAR-SYSTEM works around the clock (with the Internet), as the system works online. But, most government agencies and other organizations, including our Service Center, have a working day from 09:00 to 18:00.